The Australian Space Agency has released its second roadmap, Earth Observation from Space.
The Advancing Space: Australian Civil Space Strategy 2019-2028 identified 7 National Civil Space Priority Areas. These priority areas will deliver the greatest opportunity for the Australian space sector.
The Australian Space Agency are developing roadmaps under each of these priority areas to:
- guide and inform industry, research, and government
- map out the future workforce
- align the space sector
- advance the Australian space industry over the next decade.
The Earth Observation from Space Roadmap, is the second in a series of 7 roadmaps and outlines a 10-year plan to support growth of this priority area. It will assist other areas of the economy including:
- meteorology
- environmental and disaster response
- agriculture and infrastructure management
- defence and national security.
Industry, researchers and Australian government agencies, peer space agencies and stakeholder organisations contributed to the development of this roadmap.
Introductions to the Earth Observation from Space Roadmap will take place in December 2021. Subscribe to our newsletter for more information about these sessions.
The development of each of the remaining 5 roadmaps will take place over late 2021 and early 2022.