Starting today, a handcrafted boomerang that went to space will be on display at the Australian Space Discovery Centre.
SmartSat CRC has signed an MoU with the New Zealand Space Agency, which will support projects that develop new capabilities and expertise in the space sector.
Australia is home to a series of state-of-the-art space facilities, which are open for business to national and international customers.
The Australian Space Agency is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) on niche Australian technology capabilities. EOI closes 14 February 2024
As the clocked ticked over to midnight to welcome in 2024, it became the year that Katherine Bennell-Pegg would realise her dream of becoming an astronaut.
2023 was another big year for the Australian Space Agency and the nation's space ecosystem. Relive some of the milestone moments in our list below.
Regulations to conduct space activities were set up on 21 December 1998
'Australian companies are contributing to global space missions by being agile.'
The SpIRIT nanosatellite was launched aboard a SpaceX rocket and will fly in low Earth orbit for two years.
From stitching a raw chicken breast to hypobaric chamber training, it’s all in a day’s work for Australian astronaut candidate Katherine Bennell-Pegg.
Raytracer, a Brisbane-based team of hardware and software engineers, are creating revolutionary simulation technologies for challenging and remote environments on and off Earth.
Spiral Blue’s SE-1 edge computer analyses satellite data in space and sends the useful parts back to Earth.
The NSQN is Australia’s answer to testing space technology for missions beyond Earth. It locally qualifies satellites and other space-bound systems via global supply chains.
Sydney-based company aKin is refining their intuitive artificial intelligence (AI) technology for daily living. This AI is well suited to space missions or people living with disabilities. The Australian Space Agency co-funded its development.
Months of planning, design work and collaboration was on show in a day of inspiration and innovation at the 2023 Kids in Space National Final.
Brisbane-based Crystalaid Manufacture Pty Ltd is attracting international attention by producing high quality printed circuit boards (PCBs) suitable for space environments.
The groundbreaking Australian research nanosatellite is set to blast off with SpaceX’s Transporter-9 mission in November.
Amendments to the General Rules and High Power Rocket Rules came into effect on 17 August 2023. The amendments have removed most ‘not a related party’ requirements.
From inspecting marine assets using robotics, to remote lunar operations, Fugro is showing the crossover of sophisticated technologies in Earth and space.