In the space industry, simulations help space operators practice missions. Explore how this career pathway applies gamification to a space environment to train people who work on space missions.

Intelligent game developer demonstrates visual reality headset

Person sitting at desktop computer

The Rundown

What does an intelligent game developer do?

Intelligent game developers build, program and utilise systems and games in virtual reality, augmented reality and simulations. These platforms might analyse data, make intelligent decisions or interact with others in human-like ways.

Gamification is a trend that's sweeping many industries. The design and technology behind games made for entertainment can also be applied to areas like training and data analytics. Intelligent games are also known as serious games and simulations.

Intelligent game developers are responsible for creating concepts, writing scripts, designing and programming custom games. These include virtual reality, augmented reality and console-based platforms.

What you’ll need to know and do

Simulation environments already play a big role in training pilots in the aviation industry. In the space industry, simulations help space operators practice missions before deployment in the real world.

These simulations need to mimic the real world more accurately than in games produced for entertainment. They need to be as close as possible to reality in order to properly train space crew and operators for action. An understanding of backend data collection and analytics is also important in order to make improvements to the platforms.

Your study pathway

Degrees or TAFE courses in the following study areas may also be relevant to becoming a software developer or engineer:

  • 3D design and animation
  • game design, programming and development
  • interactive design or technology
  • digital media
  • creative industries
  • software engineering (majoring in game development)
  • computer science (majoring in game development)
  • information technology (majoring in game development).

Many universities in Australia offer degrees in game development. Visit individual university websites for more information.

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